The Music Society sustains itself solely from membership subscriptions and profits from performances. Unfortunately, our firm policy of keeping charges low inevitably means that we barely meet basic expenses. Our ability to have overseas performers and conductors in additional to all our local talent has, to date, depended almost entirely upon the goodwill of embassies and airlines. All the tasks of administration and management are carried out by volunteers, including planning and organising rehearsals and performances, stage management, generating publicity, producing programmes and newsletters, arranging workshops, collaborating with other institutions, inviting and accommodating overseas performers, amongst others.
On top of our normal commitment to promoting the performance and enjoyment of classical music in Nairobi, where we can, we work in close collaboration with other organisations to promote and coordinate performances by visiting international musicians and conductors. We arrange for visiting musicians to hold master classes and workshops for performers, teachers and students. The Society also raises funds both on its own and with others to help a variety of good causes.
Additionally, we have encouraged all our visiting musicians to give workshops to local students and teachers of music wherever possible and these have become a recognised part of what we already offer to the community.
Experience has shown that giving relatively unknown local musicians with exceptional talent greater public exposure builds their confidence and professionalism and helps to further their musical careers.
The Nairobi Music Society’s activities are run and coordinated by passionate and dedicated team of appointed volunteers. Meet the current officers of the committee without whom the Music Society could not achieve its goals.
The roles/descriptions listed below are not conclusive & always overlap as need arises.